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Happy Birthday!

January 22:

Pray for Vocations


For Those Who Have Suffered
in the Care of the Church

As Pope Francis recently concluded his “penitential pilgrimage” to Canada, let us pray for all of those who have suffered injustices, abuse, discrimination, or rejection by the Church. With God’s grace may they find a home again within a worshipping community where their suffering can be transformed to a healing peace by the love and compassion they receive. We pray that the Holy Father’s words and witness in Canada will be a reminder that no one is exempt from seeking reconciliation.


Richard Johnson – Adinkra Symbols

Compiled by Brother Richard Johnson, CSC

 Click on each symbol to read its name and meaning 



A002 A003 A004A005A006 A007 A008 A009 A010 A011 A012 A013 A014 A015 A016 A017 A018A019 A020 A021 A022 A023 A024 A025 A026 A027 A028 A029 A030 A031 A032 A033 A034 A035 A036 A037 A038 A039 A040 A041 A042 A043 A044 A045 A046 A047 A048 A049 A050 A051 A052 A053 A054 A055 A056 A057A058 A059 A060 A061 A062 A063 A064 A065 A066 A067 A068 A069 A070 A071 A072 A073 A074 A075 A076 A077 A078 A079 A080 A081 A082 A083 A084 A085 A086 A087 A088 A089 A090 A091 A092 A093 A094 A095 A096 A097 A098 A099 A100 A101 A102 A103 A104 A105 A106 A107
































































For a Cultural Reference visit:

ADINKRA – Cultural Symbols of the Asante people
Compiled by: Valentina A. Tetteh

The many kinds of trials we experience are unquestionable marks of the divine will in our regard, and of the presence of God among us. (Letters)

Thoughts for Each Day from Basile Moreau, CSC
Compiled by
Brother Joel Giallanza, CSC