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Happy Birthday!

January 22:

Pray for Vocations


For Those Who Have Suffered
in the Care of the Church

As Pope Francis recently concluded his “penitential pilgrimage” to Canada, let us pray for all of those who have suffered injustices, abuse, discrimination, or rejection by the Church. With God’s grace may they find a home again within a worshipping community where their suffering can be transformed to a healing peace by the love and compassion they receive. We pray that the Holy Father’s words and witness in Canada will be a reminder that no one is exempt from seeking reconciliation.


Holy Trinity High School – Sponsored Ministry

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Holy Trinity High School
Vision Statement

We educate the hearts and minds of a richly diverse community of students, united by belief in the Holy Cross values of:

Discipline: Holy Trinity students are responsible, respectful, and diligent in working to achieve their goals.

Integrity: Holy Trinity students are honest, they take ownership of their actions and academic work, and they follow through on their commitments.

Excellence: Holy Trinity students exemplify a tireless desire to achieve to the best of their God-given abilities and talents.

Family: Holy Trinity students treat each other as brothers and sisters in Christ, communicating openly, and acting with each other in mind.

Zeal: Holy Trinity students live passionately, inspired by their faith and willing to lead others in the pursuit of justice.

Holy Trinity Website:


The many kinds of trials we experience are unquestionable marks of the divine will in our regard, and of the presence of God among us. (Letters)

Thoughts for Each Day from Basile Moreau, CSC
Compiled by
Brother Joel Giallanza, CSC